A Day At Olive Grove Baptist Church

By Timothy Mitchell

It is important for people to culture a belief system within themselves. A belief in something divine and beyond themselves. This may be of benefit during the tough times. Some people get to learn this from people they know or from experiences they have. The Olive Grove Baptist Church is a great place to learn about God and the paragraphs below further explain the experience.

Choose a preferable time to attend. Most services are held during the weekend. However, it is possible to find others scheduled during the week. Morning sessions start at about seven in the morning, and these are perfect for those who may have to go to work in the afternoon. There is usually a mid morning and afternoon session set up as well.

Set aside the day for yourself. One should never be in a rush especially when trying something new. Otherwise, it will be impossible to appreciate the experience. The service should go on for at least two hours. A prolonged sermon may not have the effect that an individual is expecting. This is because people have a varied attention span and often get tired after some time. Leaders should always be keen on time.

Do not worry about not knowing songs. Books that contain hymns are usually provided to church members if they do not have their own. The most common hymns are often expressed on repeat, and one may have heard of them before. Lyrics can be displayed on screens as the song goes on and this is quite helpful to those who are not familiar with the song.

Expect to interact with other members of this congregation. Pastors often ask individuals to greet those who are close to them and perhaps give them a word of encouragement. Some individuals walk from one end of the church to another just to say hi to others. This activity goes on for a few minutes, and it can be a great way to make new friends.

Visitors are the pride of a church. They are potential members of the congregation, so they need to feel comfortable on the day they choose to attend. Individuals attending church for the first time should expect to introduce themselves so that people can get more familiar with them. They are then offered seats and given guidance by the leaders as soon as the service is over.

Participate in the Holy Communion. This Christian practice is derived from the bible from the experience of Jesus and his disciples. It is practiced differently across denominations but is often done once a month. It involves taking wine and bread. This is a significant step in the walk of faith of a believer hence not everyone partakes in it.

Give offering in the right way. A portion of the period of worship is usually allocated to collecting tithes. An offering basket may be provided for this. Ushers usually have envelopes that individual can place their money before inserting it in the basket. People should not be flashy with what they can give, as this is not expected of a Christian.

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