Vital Facts You Ought To Know About Vanishing Twin Syndrome

By Harold Rogers

A mother expecting twins can have a miscarriage of one fetus. When this happens, the fetal tissue is absorbed into the uterus. Usually, it disappears into the healthy twin, the placenta and the mother and it literally seems as if the dead multiple vanished. There are crucial facts you need to understand regarding the vanishing twin syndrome.

Formerly, mothers would not tell that something happened during their pregnancy up until they delivered. During these times, the doctors would only find out about the vanishing twin once they examine the condition of the placenta. Advancements in the world of medicine that have taken place over the recent decades have made it possible to detect multiple pregnancies even during the first trimester.

Using ultrasound, you can find out whether you are pregnant with twins as early as 6-7 weeks following conception. In case you go for a subsequent clinical check up and it is noticed that there is one heartbeat instead of two, it will be apparent that you miscarried one of the twins. This means that your uterus only has one surviving baby.

Research shows that this syndrome affects about 30% of all multifetal pregnancies. The actual cause of this concern remains unknown to date, although it is established that the vanishing twin dies from concerns affecting early development and not just sudden issues. Analysis of the fetal tissue or placenta often reveals improper cord implantation and chromosomal abnormalities that affect one multiple while the other is perfectly healthy.

In case a miscarriage happens in the amid the first trimester, both the surviving child and the mother will not experience any signs and symptoms and they will remain in perfect health. A prognosis of the surviving multiple, often shows and excellent health record, depending on the issues that led to the death of the other fetus. The surviving multiple will even so be at risk if the miscarriage happens during the third of even the second trimester. He or she risks being born with cerebral palsy.

If the miscarriage takes place following the embryonic period of gestation, water from the tissue of the deceased fetus, its amniotic fluid and placenta tissue could be reabsorbed. The live fetus will, however, exert pressure onto the body of the deceased one and flatten it. When delivering the child, the fetus that did not survive may come out as either fetus papyraceous or fetus compressus.

Research further indicates that expectant women above the age of 30 are at greater risk of this syndrome. A miscarriage of one multiple during the first trimester may sometimes cause pelvic pain, uterine cramps and bleeding. In case there are no complications, no special care will be required.

It is important to visit an obstetrician gynecologist the instance you find out you are expectant. The practitioner will be able to review your health and the health of your pregnancy. If you are heavy with twins and one of them dies during the third or second trimester, your pregnancy will be a high-risk one and this means that you need special care until you deliver.

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