Disadvantages Of Anonymous Alcohol Groups That Lead To Participants Saying I Hate AA

By Jerry Ross

Alcohol anonymous is one of those active groups that help individuals recover. It is used all over the world. The social platforms have helped in promoting the sets that are featured in many entertainment videos. However, the process is not as effective as it may seem. Those persons who have attended the meetings hated the experience, and most of them end up saying I hate AA meetings.

Lots of members have disliked the meetings because of various reasons as discussed in this article. The meeting were introduced by religious groups. The rules and regulations of these gatherings are based on Christian believes. This has made those struggling to recover to find it hard to in this addict since they have contrary beliefs.

Seminars involve adherents sharing their experiences. This stories may make clients sympathies with their friends. This may lead to development and increased level of stress leading to establishment of other medical conditions such as drug-induced psychosis. These stories may make new followers to lose hope when they learn about time and struggle that their supporters have gone through while trying to recover.

At the groups there are people with various characteristics and motives. The decision to attend the support group is personal. This helps in ensuring that those who attend the consultations go there with the aim of recovering. However, this is not usually the case for members because some individuals participate in get-together to avoid punishments.

Those who attend the gatherings with other intentions may end up influencing the serious participants. They may also destruct the convention process making it difficult for them to achieve their objectives and goals. The young addicts can be introduced to bad influences during the support groups. The crowds are made of individuals from all background and with different histories. Some of the supporters use other types of drugs and may introduce the new affiliates to these substances.

The seminars can be a good place for drug dealers to find and recruit members. They attend the conventions as addicts and in the process befriend and introduce the young, new and vulnerable memberships to these bad habits. This behaviors ranges from introduction to the use of other drugs to more serious offenses like joining terror groups. Most summits are carried out in a community setting and helps bring people who use the substances together.

The process of recovery requires an individual to approach the condition from all dimensions. Encouraging members should be allowed to seek medical attention and psychotherapy so that they can be able to attain recovery. Participants can find themselves relying on the sponsors for decision making process. This can cause to an individual being misled and may find themselves making poor decisions.

The groups focus on addressing drug-related issues only, and they don not deal with other associated matters. This makes it difficult for members to attain full recovery. This is because an individual is still going through stresses that lead him or her to use the alcohol to cope. Thus, if not given an option they are most likely going to use alcohol again. Therefore, many get together are considered to be ineffective and inefficient.

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