The Youth Of Islam And Halal Dating Rules

By Rebecca Ross

When one hears the term dating the first thing that gets into their mind is intimate relationships and nothing more. This is because the activity is one that does not limit one into one particular category but one that sees no colour, nationality or social class classification. Halal Dating is an activity that is slowly growing and becoming popular in Islam especially amongst the younger generation.

In Islam, one does not have to necessarily date someone for them to get married as Muslims have for long built their intimate lives around arranged marriages that do not really need any form of courting for marriage to occur. These rules are meant to keep one fully respectful to the religions rules and beliefs and at the same time fully respectful to themselves and their bodies.

The number one rule is to learn to have self-control in full depth and learn to control your own feelings and not let your personal desires overcome you. Whenever you are around your partner do not let earthly desires overcome you as this can disrespect the relationship you have with God, your relationship with God and also you disrespect you, future partner.

It is the right to do the right Taaruf which is an activity similar to seeing in Islam one only engages in this after they have considered a number of options like are their income stable enough to support a marriage, do they have enough knowledge to help with maintaining and keeping a marriage and the last question is if there is anyone special someone to fulfil your life and if you should tell them.

The next rule is for those who have not yet been fortunate enough to land a future partner and this becomes the best chance for them to ask for help from those they trust to know and heed their help in getting a partner. For those who have found a special someone and have not yet declared their intentions for marriage this is also the right time to do so.

At this stage, it is already established who you intend to marry and you are now both ready to take it to the step of marriage. Now you can start to date in Taaruf and know the type of courting that is acknowledged in Islam in order to go by the activity in the right manner. It is also at this stage where one gets the chance to decide whether or not they want to continue dating.

The advantages that come with halal seeing are quite numerous and at often times will help in ending a relationship in better terms in comparison to regular seeing. One is able to maintain a friendship of greater lengths with their partner when the eventually get married.

Not all people who support this method of seeing especially those not practising Islam but it is one that should be respected and let to thrive on its own as it is held in great regard in the Muslim community and should not be disrespected.

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