Meditating connects you to the spiritual world and leads to a state of self-realization where tranquility and calmness rules. Meditation is a broad subject that branches into various sub-branches. All methods of meditation are not equal as they all use different approaches. Lojong meditation is one of the oldest practices that train the mind and opens the heart. The practice revolves around fifty-nine slogans that cultivate a relaxed and spiritually-rich mental state in you.
This practice of meditating reveals the reality of life and trains you to live more precisely. It first enlightens you about the preciousness of life and lets you know the painful truth that life ends. It cautions you about your actions ensuring you do well to everyone. After meditating, you will never value yourself more than those surrounding your life circle.
The only two people who directly witness your life are you and others. Letting the views from others guide on making a decision on who you are and what your life is all about risks you becoming prone to suffering and misfortunes. Judging your life or even making solutions on the direction your life should take for better tomorrow based on your own views will usually lead to positive results.
The practice enables you to be appreciative and thrilled. This method of meditating enables you to learn how to quest for joy and remain joyful regardless of the situation. It educates you on the importance of appreciating soothing and hard situations.
The moment you start practicing this contemplation procedure, you start making your today better but not letting the hopes of your tomorrow being better to carry you. It will enable you appreciate today as it is. It will likewise make you start doing things right in order to cultivate a better tomorrow.
It cultivates the passion to love and be loved in you. If you used to malign others as a way to realize a feeling of superiority, you will start to see the negatives of such actions. So, your behavior will change and rather than talking ill of others, you would start appreciating them something that will make you be trusted and have more friends.
When you blame your friends or family for the challenges you face, the end result is either more suffering or you losing friends. By meditating, your mind is aligned towards positive edges which ensure you will never blame anyone else for the challenges you face. The technique trains you how to handle life challenges more passionately.
Lack of patience and compassion are the two main reasons the majority of people never makes it realize their life dreams regardless of how serious they invest in ensuring the dreams can be realized. Most people only try once or twice and if they fail, they quickly quit. Lojong method of contemplating will train your mind to observe patient and passion when engaging in all projects. It will as well train you to be persevering ensuring you will not quite until you realize your dreams. This means, through this meditating technique, you are sure to realize every dream you invest time and money in.
This practice of meditating reveals the reality of life and trains you to live more precisely. It first enlightens you about the preciousness of life and lets you know the painful truth that life ends. It cautions you about your actions ensuring you do well to everyone. After meditating, you will never value yourself more than those surrounding your life circle.
The only two people who directly witness your life are you and others. Letting the views from others guide on making a decision on who you are and what your life is all about risks you becoming prone to suffering and misfortunes. Judging your life or even making solutions on the direction your life should take for better tomorrow based on your own views will usually lead to positive results.
The practice enables you to be appreciative and thrilled. This method of meditating enables you to learn how to quest for joy and remain joyful regardless of the situation. It educates you on the importance of appreciating soothing and hard situations.
The moment you start practicing this contemplation procedure, you start making your today better but not letting the hopes of your tomorrow being better to carry you. It will enable you appreciate today as it is. It will likewise make you start doing things right in order to cultivate a better tomorrow.
It cultivates the passion to love and be loved in you. If you used to malign others as a way to realize a feeling of superiority, you will start to see the negatives of such actions. So, your behavior will change and rather than talking ill of others, you would start appreciating them something that will make you be trusted and have more friends.
When you blame your friends or family for the challenges you face, the end result is either more suffering or you losing friends. By meditating, your mind is aligned towards positive edges which ensure you will never blame anyone else for the challenges you face. The technique trains you how to handle life challenges more passionately.
Lack of patience and compassion are the two main reasons the majority of people never makes it realize their life dreams regardless of how serious they invest in ensuring the dreams can be realized. Most people only try once or twice and if they fail, they quickly quit. Lojong method of contemplating will train your mind to observe patient and passion when engaging in all projects. It will as well train you to be persevering ensuring you will not quite until you realize your dreams. This means, through this meditating technique, you are sure to realize every dream you invest time and money in.
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