The Perfect Retirement Age, By Robert Jain

By Jason McDonald

To say that retirement is complex would be nothing short of an understatement. For proof of this, all you have to do is look at the topic of age. Robert Jain, not to mention other authorities on finance, will tell you that this topic is relatively complex as well. Just because the supposed retirement age is 65 doesn't mean that everyone will feel the same way. When it comes to the age that someone should retire at, the following information is worth taking into account.

Names such as Bobby Jain can tell you that 65, which is often considered to be the magical retirement number, isn't the time when everyone calls it quits from a professional standpoint. One of the reasons this logic exists, though, is that when someone becomes 65, they start to collect Social Security. This isn't to say that everyone retires at 65. In fact, it's safe to say that people have unique goals, especially as of late.

There are many people that look at retirement as an impossibility, mainly because they don't want to stop working. Believe it or not, there are quite a few people that dream about working well after their 60s, the goal being to stay active. They want to contribute and feel productive, provided they have the skills and work ethic to do so. This is just one of the many reasons why someone might not want to retire soon, if at all.

Another factor that plays into retirement is the bevy of personal responsibilities that someone has. Perhaps someone is saving for retirement with the mindset that they don't want children. Maybe they've simply been careful about spending money. These elements go a long way in terms of how much money someone can place into their retirement savings. Ergo, he or she will be likely to retire earlier in life, financial comfort and all.

With all this information at hand, it's important to reconsider what age is best for retirement. Long story short, it's dependent on one's goals in life. There are many people that want to retire as soon as possible. On the flipside, many others would prefer to continue working until they are simply incapable of doing so. Retirement can be achieved by anyone, provided they save early enough, but to say that everyone has the same goal in this regard would be a lie.

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