When you make up every day heading to class, you are usually aware of all the subjects and topics you are going to learn on that day. This type of a routine has made schooling very easy. However, the schooling that life gives you is usually the most difficult and very challenging. Lifes lessons learned will never seize to exist as they are timeless.
Many people find it easy when they get the teaching from the experience of their friends. However, this can be less memorable compared to when you have a firsthand experience. This may involve many scars or wounds that may never heal. These may cause a permanent mess in your life but can serve as an example to others.
When it comes to giving lectures on life, there are no better teachers than parents. Many parents want their kids to lean on their mistake and rectify the wrong steps that their parent made. These mistakes may be addictions, romance and sometimes even religion. Many of kids these days are very belligerent and do not want to learn from these mistakes. This has made them end up in jail or dead. All these is because they chose the wrong teachers in life.
Some will start very innocently and seem like they can never be a problem at all, but before you notice, they have gathered little by little and have become addictions that are very hard to walk away from. It may be alcoholic or drug addiction which is caused by some harsh social and economic situations in the world.
When you are facing addiction problem, it should be noted that you are not the only one suffering from it. It can happen to anyone since it does not discriminate color, gender or age. It starts simply as an experiment, but it reaches a point where there is no turning back. But with effective detoxification or rehabilitation program, you can come out of it. When you are out of it, you come with experience and testimony that will not allow you to go back.
It is good if you know something to share with others since a candle loses nothing by lighting another. Any knowledge that you may have acquired in life, and you think it can be of help to someone, you should share. It may be just what is needed to save a life. It also ensures that any ordeal you went through does not happen to anyone you know. You can do this by creating awareness after a bad experience in life.
Nobody chooses to addicted to something. It comes like a disease when one is not even prepared. Most people will close people out of their lives and live in isolation. When you try to reach out to them, they may be very aggressive. However, all efforts should be put in place to help them recover and become healthy, who will live to tell the tales of what they have been through.
Finally, it should be noted that every lecture that life has to give you it is essential. Whether good or bad you can never miss a class. They have the good experience whether good or bad.
Many people find it easy when they get the teaching from the experience of their friends. However, this can be less memorable compared to when you have a firsthand experience. This may involve many scars or wounds that may never heal. These may cause a permanent mess in your life but can serve as an example to others.
When it comes to giving lectures on life, there are no better teachers than parents. Many parents want their kids to lean on their mistake and rectify the wrong steps that their parent made. These mistakes may be addictions, romance and sometimes even religion. Many of kids these days are very belligerent and do not want to learn from these mistakes. This has made them end up in jail or dead. All these is because they chose the wrong teachers in life.
Some will start very innocently and seem like they can never be a problem at all, but before you notice, they have gathered little by little and have become addictions that are very hard to walk away from. It may be alcoholic or drug addiction which is caused by some harsh social and economic situations in the world.
When you are facing addiction problem, it should be noted that you are not the only one suffering from it. It can happen to anyone since it does not discriminate color, gender or age. It starts simply as an experiment, but it reaches a point where there is no turning back. But with effective detoxification or rehabilitation program, you can come out of it. When you are out of it, you come with experience and testimony that will not allow you to go back.
It is good if you know something to share with others since a candle loses nothing by lighting another. Any knowledge that you may have acquired in life, and you think it can be of help to someone, you should share. It may be just what is needed to save a life. It also ensures that any ordeal you went through does not happen to anyone you know. You can do this by creating awareness after a bad experience in life.
Nobody chooses to addicted to something. It comes like a disease when one is not even prepared. Most people will close people out of their lives and live in isolation. When you try to reach out to them, they may be very aggressive. However, all efforts should be put in place to help them recover and become healthy, who will live to tell the tales of what they have been through.
Finally, it should be noted that every lecture that life has to give you it is essential. Whether good or bad you can never miss a class. They have the good experience whether good or bad.
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When you are looking for information about lifes lessons learned, visit our web pages today. More details are available at http://www.lifes-lessons.com now.