Procedures And Benefits Of Implementing Leadership Strategist And Coach

By Jose Davis

How many times have you promised yourself that tomorrow you'd upgrade the computer system, hire some help, or formalize your marketing plan and only to find that tomorrow was six weeks ago? Maybe you get all fired up about a new business idea, only to be frustrated by a thousand interruptions that prevent you from doing anything about it. Or, perhaps you berate yourself for being disorganized, lazy, or unfocused when you're not taking action because you're afraid of where the next account will come from, or to commit the dollars to hire the help you desperately need. If you identify with any of the above scenarios, you'll definitely benefit from a leadership strategist and coach.

Essentially, a coach is strategist, confidant, mentor and devil's advocate, rolled into one. Although it sounds counter-intuitive, coaches don't give advice, because advice typically reflects the giver's ideal solution. Instead, coaches help people access their solutions. In fact, new research into brain functioning provides scientific validation for some coaching principles. Among them: focusing on solutions (instead of problems) and on-going reinforcement enables the brain to produce new insights and solves problems more efficiently.

What are the traits common to good leaders? Leaders have a driving passion for realizing their vision. Leaders are egoless. Leaders build and maintain relationships of trust. Leaders unleash the motivation and commitment of their followers. Leaders are social and organizational designers. Leaders act from positive beliefs about people and situations.

Become more resourceful. Indecisiveness, procrastination, over-busyness, and lack of motivation are usually symptoms of fear, negative assumptions, and lack of resources. Coaching reveals your strengths and provides tools for working around obstacles, so they won't keep you stuck.

Endless benefits are associated with the implementation of career coaching and succession planning. For instance, the practice enhances continuous Development. By introducing the succession plan to employees and career guidance by external coaches, employees become more focused in their efforts and if they lack something they discuss it freely with their coaches. This makes them more confident, and they can become expert managers of their field.

What is the greatest value leaders can add? Leaders and strategist help to focus more on the team than on the work. They are also engaged in making other people successful. They will help you be more resourceful through motivation, improving your self-esteem and providing tools necessary for working around obstacles.

Get objective feedback and improve your confidence. A good coach mirrors your world view so that you can see the limiting beliefs and unproductive behaviors that are hindering your business growth. Once you're aware of your self-defeating patterns, you can change them for good. Once you begin taking action, you obtain results and consequently grow your confidence. Almost magically, the bar for what you want and can achieve moves higher.

Get a huge return on your investment. Let's face it, if making the change was easy, you'd have done it on your own by now. In many companies, coaching is de rigueur for helping executives develop their leadership skills as well as manage their time, people, and resources more effectively.

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