Coping With Retirement Transition; Planning Your Transition

By Stephen Snyder

Have you ever talked to someone who was thinking of retiring? Some people act like retirement is like accepting a death sentence. For some people, the work ethic is so strong that the idea of not working is frightening and causes a lot of stress. This article delves into some strategies to help you in coping with retirement transition.

The reason for retirement can be a natural end to a long and gratifying career. It may be premature with the athlete forced out through injury, de-selection or financial reasons. Whatever the reason, there is a transition the athlete needs to go through to adjust to a new way of life. It took me three times to finally retire from the sport.

Being prepared will eliminate a lot of the shock of retiring. A lot of us have had to retire forcefully. Either because we have been put out of work or reached mandatory retirement age and have not been able to find other employment. The premise behind a successful transition after job is to have something to keep you busy.

Retiring due to the natural way is deemed to be more acceptable. You need to understand that our body endurance is limited. Besides, isn't it nice to look back to those achievements and honor you gathered during your active days? Such a feeling will help you to ease up the pain of leaving your hectic environment.

You should start being retired well before the retirement party starts. This is something a lot of us have done over the past two years. The worst thing you can do is wake up on the first day of your retired life with nothing to do. It's natural for a feeling of emptiness and loneliness to set in because you miss going to work. Difficult situations to be in if you have made no plans for filling the hours and days that lay ahead when you become a retired person.

The uncertainty of the future is sometimes compounded by the athlete's apparent lack of relevant qualification and work experience. However, it is important to realize that there are many qualities and skills gained from being involved in sport at a high professional level. These need to be recognized and then 'sold' to a potential employer.

Make a plan to travel (even if it is only locally) and spend more time with family and friends or doing whatever you want. You can enjoy getting to know your grandchildren better and maybe being a kid with them for an afternoon as well. The idea is to get out of the house and start doing something. If you are looking for work, set aside some time to plan for your life after retiring.

Support is essential in moving forward. This support may come from family and friends, or it may come from professional help -counseling, career guidance or even a coach. Athletes are used to having coaches in their sport so why not continue to have a coach in life to help keep them on track, motivated and working towards new goals.

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