Does Marriage Counseling VA Really Work? Learn If Marriage Counseling Is Right For You

By Anna West

A common myth that people try to figure out is whether marriage counseling works. There is no set answer for this question. For some, it can prove beneficial and actually have a positive outcome. For others, it can have the complete opposite results. There is a lot that needs to be considered when trying to determine if marriage counseling VA will be a good option for a troubled matrimony.

While not every marriage can be saved, and some are doomed regardless, matrimony therapy works for many. The willingness of both parties in the matrimony to work to restore the relationship is really the ultimate factor that drives success in matrimony counseling. We'll discuss later some of the reasons and factors for success or failure of the relationship.

Another thing to consider when trying figuring out if matrimony therapy will work for the matrimony is how the matrimony is currently coming along. Have the problems in the matrimony gotten to the point where there is little chance of fixing? Is the love still present in the matrimony? Is there a chance that one or both spouses are not set on trying to come to a possible solution to fix the problems and save the matrimony?

Sometimes married couples present a lot of signs that would point to therapy not being successful such as not being in love, having severe problems, and not wanting to find a solution to fix the problems they have.

Everyone wants to strive for happiness, but our often fantasized ideal of happiness is seldom experienced in the real world. A matrimony relationship is hard work. It asks that either parties eat a humble pie and suppress their selfish priorities, not concentrate on who is right and who is wrong, but to try to find compromise, to get around the issues that divide them. Accepting the reality of a more achievable happiness requires a sensible and realistic approach, and learning to drop that insistence on being "right" is a good first step, both in matrimony and in entering matrimony therapy. Without this, all may be in vain.

What kind of "horror stories" you ask? Good question. I know this may be difficult to believe, but many of the couples I have worked with over the years who have attended matrimony counseling told me that their matrimony counselor actually advised them to DIVORCE! These couples attended matrimony counseling because they wanted to save their matrimony, not hear from an "expert" that their matrimony is hopeless!

According to some studies, it seems that matrimony therapy works better for couples that are young and where neither party is sexist. It is believed that younger couples have a better chance of changing as opposed to older couples that might not be able to change as easily as older couples are more fixed on their ways matrimony therapy. There is a perception that sexists remain skeptical to therapy since they rely on duties that are sex specific which does not help the matrimony.

Once you begin to see the signs of distress in the matrimony are the time to seek matrimony therapy. It is best not to wait until the layers of hurt and anger have created pain that may never be healed. Seeking therapy at the earliest possible time gives the very best chance of saving the relationship and renewing it. Waiting too long too often means waiting until it is too late to save the marriage

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