A Vietnam Vets Donation Is Still Helping Soldiers Today

By Christine Parker

Most of today's returning soldiers are welcomed back with open arms and waving flags. This was not the case in the nineteen sixties and seventies when veterans returned from the war in Southeast Asia. Many of them were received with open hostility. It was not unusual to hear of angry confrontations and threats between war protesters and soldiers. In many cases this made reentry into the civilian world very difficult. That is why a Vietnam Vets donation was so important in helping many get their lives back on track.

There are many nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping all the veterans of foreign wars. They have many functions and do as much as they can. A lot of servicemen and women come back from combat zones with severe physical injuries. They may have to undergo numerous surgeries and months or years of rehabilitation. During this time, many are not able to work which can produce great hardship for their families.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious mental condition most people were unfamiliar with before the veterans of the war in Southeast Asia began to complain of the symptoms. Not only have they experienced the effects of this disorder, many were also exposed to agent orange and have had to live with its deadly aftermath. Suicide is an unfortunate result of life after combat for some. The percentage of veterans who commit suicide is alarming, and there are nonprofits that use the donations provided to work tirelessly to reduce these numbers.

One of the most important contributions the nonprofit organizations have made to veterans is championing their rights to mental, physical, and emotional care. It is sometimes difficult for retired soldiers to navigate the complexities of the system to get the benefits they have earned. The staff on nonprofits have the skill to help them with filling out forms and writing letters to their representatives when necessary.

Some young people join the military right out of high school. This may be the only job experience they have ever had. Many need help getting civilian jobs when they leave their branch of service. Donations to organizations make it possible for them to get help with resumes, interview coaching, career consulting, and even appropriate business dress. Some of the veterans decide to return to school and study for advanced degrees. They need to know how to get the financial aid necessary to achieve this.

Nonprofits who work with veterans are tireless advocates for their rights and benefits. They lobby Congress on the veterans' behalf and contact Representative and Senators when bills affecting the lives of service people are in Congressional committees.

Making it possible for service people to have somewhere to go to talk with others who have experienced the pressures they deal with is important, and one of the things nonprofits do is to establish outreach programs that help veterans avoid the feeling of isolation.

It is necessary to remember that most veterans volunteered to place themselves in harm's way. Their service to the country should be honored not matter whether or not people agree with the decisions politicians make that send soldiers into war zones.

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