With Help From A Couples Counselor In Bethesda Many Relationship Are Rescued

By Laura Cooper

Intimate relationships are complex and there are numerous reasons why one person choose to commit himself or herself to a specific partner. To choose a partner that is to become a lifelong companion is a very important decision that requires a great deal of circumspect. Nobody should ever rush into an intimate relationship. However, those already in a relationship that experiences problems should consider seeing a couples counselor in Bethesda before making rash decisions.

Society have changed in many ways and the roles of the sexes in a relationship has certainly changed greatly. Women no longer fulfil the traditional role of mother, cook and housemaid. They work and they have rewarding careers of their own. Men are expected to be equal partners in all things. Confusion regarding the role of each partner is all too often the main reasons for problems in a relationship.

In days gone by two people in a relationship would not dare to live together, but the rules have changed and society is much more tolerant. Unfortunately, many people commit to a shared domestic arrangement before they are truly ready for a serious commitment. These relationships often fall apart and because there is no legal bond between the parties separation is easily achieved and there are no legal repercussions.

When there are children involved the break up of a relationship hold serious ramifications for the children. There interests should be of paramount importance and when the parents are not in a legal bond the situation can become very tricky. In such cases counselling is definitely advised, even if the sole purpose is make sensible decisions regarding the future of the children.

There are many cases where people seek counselling simply because it is convenient for them to continue their relationship. This is especially true where the relationship has lasted a long time, where the partners jointly own property, investments and other assets and where no serious conflict exist. In many such cases both partners consult a counsellor simply to learn how to get along and how to avoid a serious rift from developing.

Relationships often break down because of a number of smaller issues rather than one or two serious ones. A counsellor can help them to look at their relationship objectively, to identify the issues that caused unhappiness and to devise plans to resolve those issues. It is important to understand, however, that the counsellor is not a miracle worker and that there are seldom quick results during therapy.

Most therapists agree that it is definitely not always worthwhile to continue a relationship. Some relationships are dangerous with one of the partners subjected to violence, emotional abuse, fear and neglect. Anyone caught up in such a relationship should do whatever is necessary to escape. Statistics clearly show that murder, rape, physical assault and harassment cases all too often committed by one of the partners in a relationship.

Committing to an intimate relationship is a serious step. It would be wise to think very carefully before going this route. It may even be best for both prospective partners to agree to see a counsellor before making a commitment.

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