Tips To Use When Making Your Save The Date Cards

By Joyce Richardson

Since a wedding is such a major milestone in one's life, you definitely want your main family and friends to attend. This will require that you notify them as early as possible about your event, so that they can make themselves available on the day of the wedding. This is essential for people who live far from the location of the wedding, as they have to prepare and put many things in place before they travel. Here are some top factors for you to have in mind as you make your save the date cards and send them out.

The earlier you send out the invitations, the better. If you wait until too late to send the invites, then you are better off just sending the wedding invitations. Send the save the date invites many months before the day of the wedding. This will require that you make up your mind about which day the event will be held and where the ceremony will take place.

Not everyone on your guest list has to get the card. Just the people who you really do not want to miss out on the wedding. This includes everyone you want to be in your bridal party. It will also be considerate of you to end out the invites to people who live far from where the wedding will be hosted. This is to give them ample time to sort out any issues they have before they travel.

Include basic but relevant information on the invites. This includes where the wedding will be, the day and who the bride and groom are. Make sure to address the person you are inviting properly and by name. Let the invited person know that you will send them more details through the wedding invitations that you will send them later.

The best way to send out the invites is through paper correspondence. Mail out the invites through postal mail or hand deliver them or use a courier service. While electronic invitations may work too, it would be a good idea to also back them up with paper invitations. This is because not everyone may be a fun of electronic invitations, such as your older guests.

It is advisable to include a link to your wedding website, if you have one. This way, people can find out more information about the planning as the wedding day draws nearer. Include your registry information on your wedding website but not on the card.

You have the option of including photos or not including them in the card. You can include photos of you and your better half. The photos should be clear and professionally taken, so that they look good.

Sometimes you may make an error and have to correct it. If the error is too grave, then you may have to order a reprint. However, if it is a slight problem, find a fun way to solve it. Like if you have forgotten to include a minor detail, just buy a rubber stamp and stamp it on the card. Then again, you can just call everyone and give them the correct information.

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