The Developing Of Cast Iron Belief

By Evan Sanders

When we believe in ourselves, what we are up to in life and why we are here on this planet, there is hardly any negative event that can take us off of our path.

But it's when we start creating the foundation of our character built upon the thoughts and opinions of others that we truly get into trouble. When this happens, and life does its thing by changing and shifting, everything comes crashing down because we have no solid base.

If you want to be yourself in this world you also have to have some thick skin.

In this world, the wolves are constantly looking for people to tear apart and ruin their lives. This is just an inevitable reality of living. It's part of the game. Similarly, there are going to be people who will surround you and say anything to get a quick buck from you. If we fall into letting both of these scenarios build our characters we get into deep trouble.

So what's the solution to all of this?

Trust. Deep trust in ourselves and who we are.

Developing internal belief is one of the most challenging and yet rewarding things there is. In a world full of people acting like hungry wolves, they will do anything to tear you to bits when you are going after what you love and believe. But you have to stay strong and committed to what your purpose is or else you will crumble.

And for all of these reasons, make sure that you make changes for yourself. Change because you want to change. That's the only way any of it will be sustainable. But don't change because you heard from someone else that it may be a good idea or because you're awful. Listen to your heart. It will know the truth.

Then, when you get to the end of the line, you'll always be able to claim that you kept true to yourself no matter what. To me, that sounds like a pretty happy life.

So start believing in yourself. You never know what you are capable of until you really go for it.

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