Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Broward County FL Has Available

By Larry Hughes

There are different psychotherapeutic techniques. One that is both positive and practical is cognitive behavioral therapy, which is usually referred to as CBT. It presumes that everyone has negative thoughts that need to be altered. When they can be changed to positive thoughts it can be used to treat depression and other dysfunctional conditions. Many people have benefited from cognitive behavioral therapy Broward County FL has available.

It is completed in fewer office visits than many other forms of treatment. Definite goals are set by therapist and patient. It is unique because it requires homework. It posits that there is a direct link between thoughts and feelings and the bad behavior.

Unhealthy thoughts are uncovered and shown to be self-destructive when held by the patient. He is assisted in gaining understanding of how those thoughts are the cause of his problems. If the goal of understanding is achieved, the individuals destructive thought patterns can be replaced with positive ones, thereby providing change.

The therapy works to find the unhealthy thought patterns that are causing destructive beliefs. If the patient can realize what they are and how they are having a bad effect on his life, he can work towards altering them. Then positive thought patterns can replace them.

Homework may be to keep a journal of events. It helps the depressed and anxious person to examine how thought affects behavior. Research scientists have proven that CBT is a known way to improve the way the brain functions. This happens along with altering incorrect beliefs.

The inventor of CBT was a psychiatrist named Aaron Beck. This occurred in the 1960s. He was doing psychoanalysis at that time. He discovered a pattern of thought in patients that might be a source of anxiety. It did not lead to productive rehabilitation.

From this premise he realized the importance of the link between thoughts and feelings. The person feeling upset tended to have negative thoughts. If they could be identified it was the beginning of being able to change them to positive ones.

It was named cognitive therapy and placed the focus on thinking. Because it was based on thought and behavior, it later was changed to cognitive behavioral therapy. The validity of this therapy has been scientifically acknowledged.

It was first named cognitive therapy. The emphasis of it was placed on thinking. The name cognitive behavioral therapy was based on thoughts and behavior. Scientific testing has been done that proved the effectiveness of this course of treatment for mental dysfunction.

The thought patterns ingrained during childhood will eventually be automatic according to Beck. An incorrect belief stemming from a dysfunctional assumption is difficult to change. The child may become convinced he cannot achieve academically because a thoughtless remark made by a teacher made him believe that he was inferior.

He will grow up to doubt his academic abilities. He may fail exams because of the incorrect belief that he will fail them. CBT can teach him to replace the negative belief with a positive one shows he can do well in school.

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