You Didn't Know This 1 Lie That's Been Running Your Entire Life

By Evan Sanders

Are you serious?

Absolutely. There's a huge lie that has been running your entire life and you didn't even know it.

However, it's not your fault.

This narrative that everyone has been fed is incredibly powerful.

So I'm here to help you make this one change, and if you can seriously take this one step out of lessons I'm going to teach you to heart... and commit to a different way of thinking,your entire world will change.

Seriously...things will change.

Here's the lie - there's this place where "it's all going to turn out."

Give me a second to explain.

Imagine that you're always trying to get to this island where everything turns out perfect and it's all nice and happy. Everything is just great and all of your dreams came true. This is called the "island where it all turns out."

This island doesn't actually exist.

It's a mirage.

It's an incredible mirage because you swear it's real. It looks real enough to make you want to run for your entire life to it in an effort to really see if it does exist. But it doesn't.

All of this running to a place that doesn't actually exist will absolutely ruin your life.

When you live this way, you think that your happiness will only exist on this little island and that everything in your life has to be moving to that place.

And when life decides to do what it wants with you instead of going to your "plan" you think that something is actually wrong. You start wondering why nothing is happening the way you thought it should.

This will exhaust you drip by drip.

But most never get the opportunity to shift their perspective so they spend the rest of their lives rowing rowing rowing and even if they do achieve some of what they wanted for themselves, they realize that their happiness still doesn't live in those things or places.

If you want a prime example, think of mid-life crisis.

So what needs to change?

Be amoebic.

Be like those little creatures you can see under a microscope that are constantly shifting and changing and taking on new properties of their environment.

When you can start living life with some fluidity, you give yourself the opportunity to adapt and adjust to anything that's happening.

But here's where it gets really good.

When you aren't rigid, you will experience all that life has to offer. You will see that things are not so black and white but rather a wide array of color and experiences.

When you live this way, you stop chasing what doesn't exist and you start experiencing life for what it is right now.

You are present.

From this place, anything and everything is possible for you.

So stop chasing what doesn't exist and live in the present moment. It will change your life.

Stop rowing.

Be here for the first time.

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